House of Kush
The House of Kush is an international leather association founded by Domina Atua and Xan. We are a BIPOC and Women Majority Led Leather & Educational Organization founded on principles of loyalty, integrity, open hearted and nurturing service, with a commitment to ethical practices. With the collective effort of its House members and in-service members, HoK is committed to cannabis education, safe consumption, explicit prior permission, consensual application, and current practices. HOK acknowledges the medicinal and recreational benefits of cannabis: promoting safe, enthusiastic consensual consumption, overall. Our mission, beyond cannakink and kink education and safety practices, is to advocate for those incarcerated for cannabis-related crimes and suffering the consequences of a legal system woefully behind its recreational laws. We aim to preserve Leather legacy and rebellion through the advocacy of justice and cannabis for change.
Patch Made by: Shane Hutchinson
Patch Designed by: Domina Atua
Patch Approved by: House of Kush
Current HoK Members (5/2/2023): Domina Atua (HoH), Nunca Naughty, Mr. Butterscotch, Akashic Eden, Daesha Darling, Mia Sparkles, ApolloBound, Greystein, and Bougie Princess

San Francisco, California USA
In 2021
Panel History:
Added in-person at South Plains Leatherfest in Dallas, Texas on Saturday, March 23, 2024.
Fetlife Profile - Fetlife Group
Domina Atua (HoH), Nunca Naughty, Mr. Butterscotch, Akashic Eden, Daesha Darling, Mia Sparkles, ApolloBound, Greystein, and Bougie Princess
Other Details:
Have details about this panel that are not listed? We need you! Email the Historian.